Questions about brushing? We have you covered!

How long do I need to brush?  Mouth open or closed?  Do I hold the brush flat or at an angle?

We brush our teeth everyday (hopefully!), but who knew it could be so complicated?  There are actually some best practices to be mindful of when brushing those pearly whites.  We have your questions answered in this FAQ guide with some simple “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of brushing:

Don’t:  Keep your brush flat.

Do:  Use a 45 degree angle when brushing.


Don’t:  Use long strokes.

Do:  Use short, side to side strokes.


Don’t: Brush too aggressively.

Do:  Gently cover all areas.  A gentle touch helps prevent wear and tear on your enamel and gums.


Don’t:  Go one and done (or not at all!).

Do:  Brush at least twice a day, especially after eating or drinking something acidic.


Don’t:  Be too sentimental and use the same toothbrush all year.

Do:  Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months.  Helpful tip:  Switch out your brush on the first day of each season.


Don’t:  Be average—the average person brushes their teeth for 45 seconds.

Do:  Brush for a full 2 minutes.  Use a timer!


Don’t:  Keep your toothbrush in a closed container.

Do:  Allow your toothbrush to air dry.


Don’t:  Use a hard-bristled brush.

Do:  Use a soft bristled brush and your enamel and gums will thank you.


Brushing is only 4 minutes out of the day, so make that time count and keep your teeth healthy!

P.S. Don’t forget to floss!!

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