Could you be grinding your Teeth?

Grinding your teeth is also referred to as Bruxism.  At some point in time, most people probably grind and/or clench their teeth.  Only when it occurs on a regular basis will it cause the teeth to be damaged and potentially cause gum problems.

The majority of the time teeth grinding is caused by stress or anxiety.  You may grind your teeth during the daytime or even at night while you are sleeping.  An abnormal bite or a sleep disorder like sleep apnea can also be a contributing factor to nighttime grinding.  Children can also develop a grinding habit as they lose their baby teeth and the adult teeth start coming in.  Most children "grow out" of their grinding habit but sometimes it may also be due to misaligned teeth, medical conditions, or anxiety.

Most people do not even realize they are grinding their teeth until a dentist points out the wear on the teeth.  Other people have symptoms such as: jaw pain, headaches upon waking, chipped teeth or fillings, or tooth sensitivity.  Sometimes other family members can even hear you grinding at night!

So what can be done to help?  Daytime grinding needs to be managed through behavior modifications.  Tips to help stop nighttime grinding include:  avoiding caffeine, limiting alcohol consumption, and stress management.  An oral appliance can also be custom made to fit your mouth.  The use of an appliance can help protect your teeth and gums and prevent bigger issues from occurring!





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